Our Environmental Targets

DXC’s global environmental sustainability targets are based on a 3-year program. We are committed to absolute reduction targets that align with the spirit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the climate agreements.


Here are our most important goals for the next 3 years, using DXC’s fiscal 2019 as a baseline:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Absolute reduction of 20 percent in all our data centers and offices worldwide
  • Energy consumption: Absolute reduction of 12 percent in all our data centers and offices worldwide
  • Renewable energy: 30 percent of purchased or generated electricity will be from renewable sources
  • Water: Absolute reduction of 15 percent worldwide
  • E-waste: Reduction to zero e-waste to landfill via promotion of reuse
  • Other waste: Absolute reduction of 15 percent generated globally (in metric tons)

DXC’s environmental targets form part of our structured management system designed to identify key environmental impacts, and measure and actively manage them. This is conducted in accordance with our governance structure that is highlighted in our Corporate Responsibility Strategy. Our Environment Policy covers our activities and services worldwide that strive to reduce our impact on the environment.