Less Carbon, More Renewable Energy

At DXC, we are reducing the carbon footprint of our data centers, offices and other properties. In addition, we have set aggressive targets and launched interventions to reduce our energy consumption, use more renewable resources and lower our greenhouse gas emissions.


To shrink our carbon footprint, we are:

  • Consolidating data centers and offices worldwide. Currently, 85 percent of DXC’s carbon footprint is allocated to electricity consumption in these buildings.
  • Implementing new energy-efficiency measures
  • Reducing business travel by encouraging flexible working and increased use of technology
  • Contributing to global climate goals, such as those defined by the U.N.’s Paris Agreement
  • Ensuring that our data centers are certified under the ISO 50001 energy management system standard

Our annual emissions reporting is aligned with the requirements of the international reporting standard; the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our approach for collecting and reporting data on greenhouse gas emissions is externally assured in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2006. 

Carbon Reduction Plan

CSC Computer Sciences Limited

eBECS Limited

EntServ UK Limited

ES Field Delivery UK LTD

GBC5 ES Info Sec UK

Xchanging UK Limited