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Mission-critical IT services that transform business

Navigate the challenges and capitalise on the opportunities ahead to achieve greater performance, scale and competitiveness.

The power of DXC people and technology

We deliver excellence for our customers and colleagues every day. Our values form the foundation of everything we do and every decision we make.

customers in the Fortune 500

Modernise and transform

Bridge the gap from legacy to modern. Rethink your applications. Make the right investments at the right time. DXC delivers the IT services you need for the business outcomes you want across your entire IT estate.

Customer Stories

Nissan’s flexible modern workplace boosts employee productivity and satisfaction

“We addressed the new challenges with consistent support from DXC — from planning to design, development, implementation and operation, and we are grateful for completing all three projects as planned. We feel a great deal of trust and peace of mind in the DXC support engineers’ work and high skill levels.”

— Masateru Takakuwa
       Global Digital Platform Division, Nissan

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Neurodiversity program develops unique skills and talents for National Australia Bank

NAB partnered with DXC to embed diversity and inclusion into the culture and fabric of the bank through the employment of people on the autism spectrum.
BOC customer story

Digital transformation of contact centre elevates customer and employee experience

With a cloud-based contact centre based on Amazon Connect delivered as a service, BOC is more adaptable and responsive to changing customer needs and behaviour.


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Thriving in the Accelerated Now

Five factors of accelerated change guide leaders to match the right technologies with the right outcomes.
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Adopt hyperautomation for a resilient IT estate

“Silent running” IT frees the business to focus on strategic priorities.
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What’s next for enterprise security? Look to public cloud

Hyperscalers provide a modern approach with flexible controls and governance.

Ensuring enduring insurers

Based on interviews and research in insurance and other regulated industries, we have identified 10 practical and replicable provocations for insurers to focus on.